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Again, with the teacher with a fixed mindset, the campus leader must be patient  and self-reflective. He or she must remove any thoughts that personalize this behavior to themselves and make sure to remain objective before meeting for the post conference. The principal needs to use communication skills to discuss if the goals that were set for this year were the right goals or if they need to head in a different direction for the next year.

For the teacher with the growth mindset, the campus leader can be supportive and remind her that this disadvantage does not need to be a barrier to her future success. They can both reflect positively on the growth that was achieved and create smaller, more specific goals that will make the main goal more attainable for the next year.

The teacher did not meet the goal she set in student performance, but she did see an increase from last year. She asks her principal for advice and PD recommendation to further her progress. She decides she will keep her goal regarding student performance for the next year.

The teacher did not meet any goals set for the year regarding student performance, because he did not spend time changing his teaching strategies from prior years.


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