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Teacher Self-Reflection




For the principal to help the teacher with a fixed mindset, he or she will need good communication skills and he or she must plan conferences after each observation. The principal should be careful to praise the things that did go well, while also stating the things that could use improvement. This will require patience, as it may take some time to foster self-reflection in this teacher. The campus should always be sure to document everything along the way.

For the teacher with the growth mindset, the campus leader should offer him opportunities to lead others. He can lead a PD or be paired with another teacher who is struggling with a way to determine if her students are understanding the material before they get to the test.

A teacher gives an exit ticket every day to each class to reflect on his own teaching. He evaluates the misconceptions, as well as the concepts mastered, to determine if any changes need to be made to his teaching technique for the following year as well as what needs to be retaught the next day.

A teacher generally feels he did a good job on a daily basis and does not see anything needing improvement. He also gets very defensive when his principal gives him constructive criticism.

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